“Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) - Reconstruction Primary & Revision Cadaveric Workshop on 15 June 2024 - View Highlights


The Region's First

Platform dedicated to Promoting Cartilage Health & Restoration

To disseminate knowledge about cartilage science and health to the general public while fostering interaction among clinicians and scientists. We provide a dynamic platform for professionals to collaborate, learn, and stay updated on the latest advancements in cartilage research.


A Premier Hub for Cartilage & Joint-Related Excellence

Cartilage.me stands as a pioneering and indispensable platform, uniquely designed to foster the advancement of knowledge, research, and events in the realm of Cartilage and Joint Sciences in the region.

Our multifaceted platform is designed to empower our valued members with numerous opportunities:

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Message from the Founder

The realm of cartilage science has undergone significant strides over the past two decades, marked by intense research and groundbreaking advancements. From the inception of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) in the late '90s to the latest single-stage reconstructive procedures in 2023, the field of cartilage repair has undergone a profound transformation. What was once considered "neglected and irreparable tissue" has now evolved into a domain witnessing "positive long-term repair results."

My fundamental inspiration behind delving into this field was to champion the cause of cartilage science in the Middle East region. It was imperative to ensure that we remain at the forefront, keeping pace with global developments. The vision is to unite clinicians, researchers, and patients on a shared knowledge platform. This platform aims to facilitate the exchange of insights, foster learning, and provide education on the vast possibilities of joint preservation and regeneration. Together, we can explore and embrace the immense potential this field holds for the benefit of all involved.


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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) - Reconstruction Primary & Revision

Don't Miss the Special Practical Workshop with the Experts. Register Now!

Patello Femoral Master Class - Nagpur

First Time In India - Patello Femoral Master Class. Trauma, Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty, Cadaveric Live Surgeries. Book your seats now!

Indian Cartilage Society Regional Meet - Jodhpur

Regional Meeting of ICS - Dept. of Orthopedics AIIMS, Jodhpur in association with JOSSunder aegis of Indian Cartilage Society.
Book your seats now!

We help you to know about Cartilage Prevention & Restoration.